
Blog Lab

Four Stages of Creating A Blog Post

Creating a compelling and well-structured blog post typically involves four main stages:


Blog Article Anatomy

A well-structured blog article typically consists of several key parts, arranged in a specific order from top to bottom. Here’s a breakdown of these parts:


Video Interview Template

Video interviews are effective for several reasons.

Firstly, they provide a visual and interactive element that goes beyond traditional text-based communication, allowing both the interviewer and candidate to gauge non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. This enhanced communication leads to a more accurate evaluation of a candidate’s personality and fit for the organization.

Secondly, video interviews offer flexibility in scheduling, making it easier for candidates and interviewers to find convenient time slots, even across different time zones.

Additionally, they streamline the hiring process by eliminating the need for travel, reducing costs, and significantly expediting the recruitment timeline.

Overall, video interviews enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process while maintaining a personal touch and fostering better-informed decisions.


Client Journey

A client journey represents a specific person’s stages of discovery and problem-solving while in a particular time or situation in life.

A client journey can be just a single event or a lifelong pursuit.


Member Roles

Contributor Role

As a contributor, you take an active role in the success of the group. Team members that are 100% committed to supporting the group’s activities. They perform helpful tasks, add content to relative topics, like and share group content within their own network, and add feedback to policies, conversations, and projects.

Thought-Leader Role

Are you an experienced problem-solver? A go-to individual in a particular niche or profession. A successful individual and foremost authority in a selected vocation, skill, process, or understanding of the group’s target audience. They have the ability to communicate their knowledge in ways that are helpful to the tribe’s and to the target audience’s problem-solving activities.

Connector Role

Individuals with a large circle of influence within the field or focus of the group. Communicators, networkers, marketers, & community leaders.  (We need to define what a large circle is)

Creator Role

Creative abilities, writers, outside-the-box thinkers, problem solvers, and product developers.

Influencer Role

Influencers have specialized knowledge, authority, and insight into a particular subject and audience. Their fans look to them for direction on particular purchases and activities.

Educator Role

Podcasters, writers, bloggers, and vloggers who have the ability to teach and convey complex ideas into simple-to-understand lessons.


Code of Ethics

Professional Code of Ethics


Knoxb2b 2.0 Infographic
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